WCMG/BOA Present’s Backroads of Appalachia Live! from the 83rd Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 2023. We will be going to World’s Biggest Motorcycle Rally once again to promote what we have to offer here in Appalachia to the Motorcycle World! Find us in the Bikers Info USA Mobile Application and Handguide and come and see us at The Full Throttle Saloon and Pappy Hoel’s Campground to find out about the best riding in the U.S.A. on the Backroads of Appalachia! We will be hogging bikes with our partners from Traveling Hogs and we are taking you with us! Backroads of Appalachia Live! coverage, Interviews, and a whole lot more! We will see you there!
Let’s Ride to Sturgis Appalachia!