WCMG/Backroads of Appalachia Presents our 3rd Annual Spring Run on the Rattlesnake 192 Hosted and Sponsored by Wildcat Harley Davidson. Kickstands up at 11:30 am. All Donations go to help Disabled American Veterans. Do not miss our Spring Run on Rattlesnake 192 with our partners at Wildcat Harley Davidson and the Rattlesnake 192 Souvenir Shack! We will have custom Spring Run Shirts for this event as well all as our Backroads of Appalachia/WCMG Merchandise including some brand new merch so do not miss you chance to get yours and come and see our brand new Mobile Trailer and sign our Mobile Wall of Fame! After the Ride we will return to Wildcat Harley Davidson for music, food, and fun! Stay tuned as we update this event!
Let’s Ride Rattlesnake 192 Appalachia!