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Babcock State Park

  • address 486 Babcock Road
    Clifftop, WV 25831

One of West Virginia’s most iconic locations, Babcock State Park has 4,127 acres of stunning scenery. Located 20 miles southeast of the New River Gorge Bridge, the park is most known for the Glade Creek Grist Mill, a fully functional replica of the original Cooper’s Mill, which once stood on the grounds. Other attractions include recreational activities like hiking, fishing and mountain biking, as well as whitewater rafting nearby in the New River Gorge.

Nature and landscape photographers who wish to fly a drone near the Glade Creek Grist Mill, are required to check in at the park office in advance. The use of drones is permitted, but only from 1-3 p.m., daily. Check in at the park office for drone use at other times. Drones may not be flown over buildings or the parking area, and must stay a minimum of 20 feet away from the mill.

The Glade Creek Grist Mill closes for the season on the last Sunday in October. Picnic area restrooms and certain area gates close for the season Oct. 31.