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John Fox Jr. Museum

  • address 117 Shawnee Ave East
    Big Stone Gap, VA 2421936.8660716-82.77823699999999

Tours for groups of 20 or more may be scheduled for any time during the year. To schedule a tour, call the number listed above and leave a message. Someone will return your call to confirm the reservation and to answer any questions that you may have.
Days and hours of operation:
Currently only taking scheduled appointments.
Closed on all Holidays
Adults $5
Seniors (60 and Over) $4
Children $3.00
The John Fox, Jr. house, a Virginia Historic Landmark serves as both a museum and a memorial to the Fox family. The house was built in 1888 and is filled with beautiful furnishings and mementos of the family. It was here that author, John Fox, Jr., wrote The Trail of the Lonesome Pine, and 14 other full- length novels, in addition to more than 500 short stories.